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Your future is impressionable. Tell it a good story.


Rick Ehlers, Coach

Authentic. Explorative. Insightful. Supportive.

The whole of my experience and who I am as a person made for a natural transition to coaching and to serving my clients. I am results-oriented, so we will work together to focus on defining positive, measurable outcomes and uncovering hidden opportunities, all in support of your objectives.


My commitment to helping others draws on my thirty-year corporate career. I held a wide range of executive leadership and corporate counsel roles in large, complex, multi-national companies. For more information about my professional experience, visit my LinkedIn profile.


Much of my success rests on my unconventional approach, using gifts and skills not often recognized or cultivated by conventional, male-dominated, corporate management. I support clients in bringing their whole, authentic, and creative selves to all they do.

“Rick was a fantastic coach. His honest approach helped me recognize the ways I can alter my thinking to thrive as a professional. He’s a great listener and provides tools that anyone can implement to improve focus, stress management, and quality of work.”

—Ben C.


Integrative Coaching

At the core of my coaching is a strong foundation of deep self-awareness — mind, body, and spirit.


You decide what you want to accomplish. Together, we cultivate ways to interrupt old habits and patterns that are no longer serving you. We create new capacity for experimentation and uncovering hidden opportunities.


We work together to create actionable goals, including how you will measure success. I manage the process and serve as an accountability partner, always checking to ensure that you are comfortable with the direction of your coaching.

Painting of a field of grass

“Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and right doing, there is a field.
I’ll meet you there.”


Mural in Chicago

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

—Viktor E. Frankl


Who I Work With

My favorite client is unconventional, creative, high-achieving, thoughtful, comfortable exploring the inner terrain, and curious about the possible.


Clients — like all people — don’t always fall neatly into one category. My clients cross several broad groupings and come from all backgrounds, roles, and responsibilities.

“Working with Rick is such a gift; he is so knowledgeable and can offer guidance in personal, professional and spiritual ways that always left me feeling like I could do anything.”

—Rachel G.


Interested in Working Together?

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